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Viagem exploratória com curso de inglês antes de imigrar? Leia a experiência de quem fez.

Studying in Canada before immigrating? Read about someone's experience!
January 18th, 2022

"Em 2012 comecei a pensar em um novo país para viver com minha família e achei melhor fazer uma visita exploratória para conhecer o Canadá."

In 2012 I started to think about living in a new country with my family. Because Canada offers many immigration programs, some that I could fit in, among the many other countries I researched, I thought it would be a good idea to make an exploratory visit to get to know Canada better.

In order to follow my plan, before immigrating, I planned to study English for 3 months in Canada. I believed this would be a great opportunity to experience living in the Canadian city of Toronto. Then, I could finally know if this is what I wanted for the rest of my life. So, I got enrolled in an English course through an exchange agency and off I went…

What an incredible experience!

The English school had many extra-curricular options such as group tours. Sometimes the teacher arranged for everyone to go to lunch together somewhere, in addition to class activities, which brought the classmates closer. Then, for 3 months I had the company of foreign and Brazilian colleagues around me (many are my friends to this day!). I walked around the city a lot as a tourist, but what I really wanted was to explore every single corner of that amazing city! I returned home full of plans... Following this experience, I arrived in Canada in 2016 with my family ready for the immigration plan. Considering I already knew the city like the back of my hand, I was sure this was my place!

In 2021 I became a permanent resident of Canada and I can say that I would do it all over again if I had to!

Daniela Spinazzola is a mother, wife, professional, camper and content creator to help other Brazilians fulfill the Canadian dream, through the Bem Canadá, channel on Youtube and @bem.canada on Instagram.

Originally from Brazil, Daniela immigrated to Toronto, Canada, in 2016 and became a permanent resident in 2021.

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